Ready to unleash all your horses? Depending on your needs/desires for your 4M40 powered Delica we have a performance package for you.

Economy Tune

-EGT Gauge

-Clean Air Filter

-Boost Increased to 16psi

-Injection Pump Tuned to Altitude

≈ 10% Increases Power

+ ≈ 15% Fuel Economy

$1,099.00(EGT only) or $1,499.00(3-in-1 Gauge)

-Boost Increased to 16psi

-Grimm Speed Boost Controller

-Injection Pump Tuned to Altitude

-3 in 1 Gauge (Boost, EGT, and Coolant Temp)

-Cold Air Intake (K&N or equivalent air filter adaptation)

-Custom 2.25” Side Exit Exhaust

Stage 1


$2,449.00 USD

While we would love nothing more than to get the peak efficiency and power out of your 4M40, the overall health of your engine is integral to its tune-ability. This being said all vehicles must go through our Nomadic Inspection and a leak down test prior to getting tuned up. Once we deem your engine in good health we will do our best to unleash all 94 horses! Check out our 4M40 Nomadic Maintenance Routine page for more information on our process.

If you’re Interested in a performance upgrade or want more information, please contact us below